Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Letter To My Son

"Set the thermostat of your life at the temperature that suits
 you best and let those around you dress in layers."
Claudia Trupp

What do you tell someone about a future that is uncertain at this stage of his life? You talk to your friends, their parents, watch the news…. It’s all the same… it looks bad and it might hamper what could be the start of a brilliant life for you.

I guess my message to you now would be please don’t listen to all the bad news, misinformation and the people who have given up on the ability they have inside of themselves to succeed and then try to make sure that those around them don’t succeed either. You know misery loves company and I don’t want misery for you… I want a life full of adventure, joy and jam-packed with the things that help you become the best man you can be. 

I say - Own your strengths and let them take you to the places you want to go in your life. Having a good life is about defining what makes you the best you are AND believing that to be true. That’s the reason I love the quote above and hope that you will always take that to heart. And I think for the most part, you already do! You are a head-strong person and that nugget will serve you well in this life, but like we’ve said before… use your evil for good! And I know, deep down, you will. 

We, as your parents, have tried to give you the basics of making good decisions and guiding you to really knowing what it is you want for yourself to be happy. These basics will help guide you in making decisions in your life that will benefit you. As you move forward in this journey, keep in mind how those decisions impact those around you, not just the people closest to you, but all people, places and things. You never know how something you say or do will come back to you. There are soooo many good resources to help you in your journey… keep yourself open to it all!

Over the years, I’ve come across many good quotes that reaffirm my beliefs. One that I enjoy is this one…. “Demand of yourself, what you expect of others”.  Dad has one, too….“Always be true to yourself and honest to others." Good words, as you step out more and more in this thing called your life as an adult.

My dear boy…. now a man, where has the time gone?  As your mother, I wish for you a life that YOU can be proud of! Just so you know…I’m already proud of my son just for being my son. We’ve had struggles over the years and I can accept those; that is a part of life. I’m sure there will be more, humans tend to create controversy wherever they go. But as long as we decide that we are important enough to each other, we will overcome those struggles. I’m sure of it. As my son, I want you to know that who you are to me is what I care about the most and what I’m looking forward to is seeing what great accomplishments you will enjoy in your life as this man I helped to create and nurture to adulthood.

Know that if you need me or this family to help you in your journey, we are always there for you. So, I hope that as you venture out further, you know that the best thing you’ve got going for yourself is you… use yourself wisely, take care of yourself – mind, body and soul and remember to nurture the goodness inside as the rest of the world gets to have a piece of you.

And just so you know…I loved you when you were born, I love you now and I will love you forever… with all my heart.   


  1. Hi, I am posting a blog Carnival for Atheist Parenting at this link:
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  2. Hi Karen -

    Thank you so much for your kindness and the opportunity to repost this on Carnival for Atheist Parenting! I appreciate it. I will forward the two you have enjoyed per the instructions on the website.

    Have a great day!
